1nspired to Succeed

Inspiration: the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative. 
a sudden brilliant, creative, or timely idea.

Are you an educator or administrator that is looking for ways to inspire your students?

No matter the educational context, there are proven ways to invoke results and transformation within your students

Who I am

I am Coach Jay and I have been in your shoes.

As a former educator, faith leader and coach from Louisville, I understand the plight that most kids face as they prepare to make their mark in the real world. All educators have been burdened with navigating recent changes in education due to covid and other factors.

Perhaps you have heard countless stories about how the current environment has created new challenges for our youth. Maybe you have invested several hours trying to find solutions to the questions:
How should I do this? Where do I even start?”

These are very real questions and as teachers have come out of a pandemic into a new world, we are all struggling with how to spark engagement from these emerging young leaders who need our guidance. 

Inspired to Learn was created just for you!”

Best Awarded

Inspired to Succeed is here to motivate the next generation of young leaders.

Our Mission is to empower the next generation through inspiration and guiding principles that will lead to success.

Coach Jay understands. He excelled early in school but later lost interest. He eventually coasted through one of the top high schools in the country without any effort. At the college level, he still lacked inspiration and found himself displaced with a 1.66 GPA. After life changing moments, Jason had a new found interest in education that led to three degrees and current doctorate work.

The difference was not his academic talent but instead it was the lack of intrinsic motivation. As John Maxwell has said, “Talent is Not Enough”. The inspirational spark later led to academic success at the collegiate level. He uses these experiences to relate to other students and educators across the country. For the past decade he has inspired, mentored and empowered youth to be the best version of themselves.
The Inspired to Succeed Initiative is full of life-transforming principles that will guide students to finding purpose and academic success.

After years of making mistakes, I finally understood my purpose and my desire for learning greatly increased.  I then went from an expelled college student to earning three degrees and the pursuit of a doctorate degree.

What if I told you:

Here are a few things we can help your students with:

Are you heavily invested in the success of your students?

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